Houston Roundup 2023 Speakers

  • Karen Williams

    As the first openly lesbian Black comic in the United States to include specifically lesbian material in her act, Karen Williams changed the game for a number of communities. Since then, she’s had a prolific career in comedy. Karen is also the founder and CEO of the International Institute of Humor and Healing Arts (HaHA), which offers live and virtual educational programs, workshops, and seminars on the healing powers of humor. Currently engaged in doctoral studies at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, Karen looks forward to receiving a PhD in social gerontology in May 2024. Just for today, she has 23 years of sobriety!

  • Bella L Beaumont

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  • Delilah

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  • Angela B- Alanon Luncheon

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  • Troy B- AA Speaker

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  • Coming Soon!

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